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Browse Sets -- 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
-- Speed Duel: Battle City Box --
Absorbing Jar
Acid Trap Hole
Airknight Parshath
Secret Rare
Ally of Justice Clausolas
Alpha The Magnet Warrior
Angel O7
Aqua Madoor
Archfiend of Gilfer
Archfiend's Oath
Attack the Moon!
Banisher of the Light
Banisher of the Radiance
Bark of Dark Ruler
Battleguard Rage
Bazoo the Soul-Eater
Beast of Talwar
Beasts of Phantom
Behemoth the King of All Animals
Beta The Magnet Warrior
Block Golem
Blowback Dragon
Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Bonze Alone
Book of Moon
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Buster Blader
Buster Blader, the Destruction Swordmaster
Cestus of Dagla
Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast
Commencement Dance
Copy Knight
Cosmic Cyclone
Creature Swap
Curse of the Masked Beast
Cyber Harpie Lady
DUCKER Mobile Cannon
Dark Blade
Dark Magic Curtain
Dark Magician
Dark Paladin
Dark Scorpion - Gorg the Strong
Dark Scorpion - Meanae the Thorn
Dark Smog
Delta The Magnet Warrior
Delta Tri
Des Lacooda
Destroyer Golem
Destruction Swordsman Fusion
Digging for Gold
Dimensional Alchemist
Draining Shield
Drop Off
Dunames Dark Witch
Emblem of Dragon Destroyer
Embodiment of Apophis
Endless Traps
Enraged Battle Ox
Exiled Force
Fairy Wind
Fiend's Sanctuary
Final Attack Orders
Fire Formation - Tenki
Foolish Burial
Formation Union
Freed the Matchless General
Frontline Base
Fury of Thunder
Fusion Party!
Fusion Recycling Plant
Gamma The Magnet Warrior
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
Ghost Knight of Jackal
Giant Rat
Giant Soldier of Stone
Grand Tiki Elder
Granmarg the Rock Monarch
Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest
Guardian Angel Joan
Guardians of the Tomb
Hammer Shot
Hannibal Necromancer
Heavy Mech Support Platform
Hidden Armory
Hieratic Chant
Horn of the Phantom Beast
Howl of the Wild
I'm Just Gonna Attack!
It's Jinzo!
It's No Monster, It's a God!
Jade Knight
Judgment of Anubis
Kaiser Glider
Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp
Lightning Blade
Lost Wind
Low Blow
Machina Gearframe
Machina Peacekeeper
Machine Assembly Line
Machine King - 3000 B.C.
Mage Power
Magic Drain
Magic Formula
Magical Hats
Magician's Act
Magnet Conversion
Magnet Force
Magnetic Attraction
Magnetic Field
Maha Vailo
Manticore of Darkness
Mask of Brutality
Mask of Weakness
Masked Beast Des Gardius
Melchid the Four-Face Beast
Mind Crush
Mirror Wall
Moisture Creature
Mysterious Guard
Negate Attack
Night Assailant
No More Mrs. Nice Mai!
Nobleman of Crossout
Nobleman of Extermination
Obelisk the Tormentor
Paladin of White Dragon
Performance of Sword
Phantom Beast Cross-Wing
Phantom Beast Thunder-Pegasus
Phantom Beast Wild-Horn
Pitch-Black Warwolf
Power of Friendship
Pre-Preparation of Rites
Psychic Shockwave
Quantum Cat
Rare Metalmorph
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Regenerating Mummy
Reinforcement of the Army
Revival of Dokurorider
Riryoku Field
Rise of the Fallen
Ritual Ceremony
Ritual Raven
Rock Bombardment
Rocket Warrior
Roll Out!
Rope of Life
Saggi the Dark Clown
Sealing Ceremony of Mokuton
Shining Abyss
Silent Doom
Skilled Blue Magician
Skilled Red Magician
Skilled White Magician
Slifer the Sky Dragon
Solitary Sword of Poison
Soul Demolition
Soul Exchange
Spear Dragon
Spell Canceller
Spell Purification
Spell of Mask (Skill Card)
Spiritual Forest
Strike Ninja
Swamp Mirrorer
Swarm of Locusts
Swarm of Scarabs
Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight
The Big Cattle Drive
The Big March of Animals
The Fiend Megacyber
The Mask of Remnants
The Masked Beast
The Psychic Duelist
The Puppet Magic of Dark Ruler
The Rock Spirit
The Warrior Returning Alive
The Winged Dragon of Ra
Twin-Barrel Dragon
Unbreakable Spirit
Union Combination
Union Hangar
Union Scramble
United We Stand
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior
Victory Viper XX03
Vorse Raider
Wall of Illusion
White Dragon Ritual
Widespread Ruin
Wild Nature's Release
X-Head Cannon
XY-Dragon Cannon
XYZ-Dragon Cannon
XZ-Tank Cannon
Y-Dragon Head
YZ-Tank Dragon
Z-Metal Tank
Zero Gravity
Zombyra the Dark