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Elemental HERO Shining Phoenix Enforcer EOJ-EN033 Enemy of Justice (Ultra Rare)
Tearlaments Rulkallos DABL-EN039 Darkwing Blast (Starlight Rare)
Armageddon Knight PTDN-EN021 Phantom Darkness (Super Rare)
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo LODT-EN099 Light of Destruction (Secret Rare)
The Black Goat Laughs PHNI-EN078 Phantom Nightmare (Secret Rare)
Archfiend Eccentrick CORE-EN042 Clash of Rebellions (Secret Rare)
Forbidden Droplet RA01-EN064 25th Anniversary Rarity Collection (Secret Rare)
Destiny Board LON-088 Labyrinth of Nightmare (Ultra Rare)
Ehren, Lightsworn Monk LODT-EN082 Light of Destruction (Secret Rare)
Change of Heart MRD-E060 Metal Raiders (Ultra Rare)
Dark Magician Girl MAMA-EN107 Magnificent Mavens (Ultra Rare (Pharaoh's Rare))
Thousand Dragon MRD-E143 Metal Raiders (Secret Rare)
Creature Swap LOD-081 Legacy of Darkness (Ultra Rare)
Ground Xeno WISU-EN006 Wild Survivors (Ultra Rare)
Mystical Space Typhoon SRL-EN047 Spell Ruler (Ultra Rare)
Red Lotus King, Flame Crime BLTR-EN028 Battles of Legend: Terminal Revenge (Secret Rare)
Blade Knight SBAD-EN006 Speed Duel: Attack from the Deep (Ultra Rare)
Cyber Eternity Dragon LED3-EN012 Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss (Ultra Rare)
Ancient Chant MZMI-EN069 Maze of Millennia (Collector's Rare)
Dark Armed Dragon GLD2-EN031 Gold Series 2009 (Gold Rare)
Millennium Ankh INFO-EN053 The Infinite Forbidden (Secret Rare)
Mirror Force DB2-EN081 Dark Beginning 2 (Super Rare)
Elemental HERO Avian EHC1-EN001 Yu-Gi-Oh! Elemental Hero Collection 1 (Secret Rare)
Kashtira Fenrir DABL-EN012 Darkwing Blast (Ultra Rare)
Tri-Horned Dragon LOB-E000 Legend of Blue Eyes White Dragon (Secret Rare)
Magic Formula GLAS-EN093 Gladiator's Assault (Secret Rare)
Power Bond DR04-EN037 Dark Revelation Volume 4 (Super Rare)
Hiita the Fire Charmer, Ablaze PHRA-EN100 Phantom Rage (Starlight Rare)
Time Wizard MRD-E065 Metal Raiders (Ultra Rare)
Maxx "C" CT09-EN012 Collectible Tins 2012 Wave 2 (Super Rare)
The Winged Dragon of Ra - Immortal Phoenix DUPO-EN046 Duel Power (Ultra Rare)
Chaos Emperor, the Dragon of Armageddon BLAR-EN051 Battles of Legend: Armageddon (Secret Rare)
Mementoal Tecuhtlica - Combined Creation VASM-EN001 Valiant Smashers (Quarter Century Secret Rare)
Elemental HERO Thunder Giant TLM-EN036 The Lost Millennium (Ultra Rare)
Diamond Dire Wolf CBLZ-EN051 Cosmo Blazer (Secret Rare)
Power Tool Dragon RGBT-EN042 Raging Battle (Ultra Rare)
Darkness Metal, the Dragon of Dark Steel BLAR-EN047 Battles of Legend: Armageddon (Secret Rare)
Raidraptor - Force Strix WIRA-EN022 Wing Raiders (Secret Rare)
Dark Grepher PTDN-EN000 Phantom Darkness (Secret Rare)
Despian Luluwalilith CYAC-EN042 Cyberstorm Access (Starlight Rare)
Bingo Machine, Go!!! LED3-EN003 Legendary Duelists: White Dragon Abyss (Ultra Rare)
Phoenixian Cluster Amaryllis RGBT-EN006 Raging Battle (Super Rare)
Effect Veiler ETCO-EN100 Eternity Code (Starlight Rare)
Red Nova Dragon STBL-EN042 Starstrike Blast (Ultra Rare)
Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare PTDN-EN008 Phantom Darkness (Secret Rare)
Lo, the Prayers of the Voiceless Voice PHNI-EN019 Phantom Nightmare (Quarter Century Secret Rare)
Dried Winds CORE-EN075 Clash of Rebellions (Super Rare)
Tempest Magician CSOC-EN088 Crossroads of Chaos (Secret Rare)
Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder MP21-EN195 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles (Ultra Rare)
Belial - Marquis of Darkness PTDN-EN099 Phantom Darkness (Secret Rare)
Bonfire MZMI-EN016 Maze of Millennia (Ultra Rare)
Shining Sarcophagus LEDE-EN051 Legacy of Destruction (Secret Rare)
Fiber Jar DB2-EN166 Dark Beginning 2 (Rare)
Cyber Dragon Infinity BOSH-EN094 Breakers of Shadow (Secret Rare)
Toon Black Luster Soldier TOCH-EN001 Toon Chaos (Ultra Rare)
Number 35: Ravenous Tarantula PGL3-EN009 Premium Gold: Infinite Gold (Gold Secret Rare)
Kashtira Unicorn DABL-EN013 Darkwing Blast (Ultra Rare)
Copycat JUMP-EN020 Limited Edition 1 (Ultra Rare)
Dominus Purge INFO-EN078 The Infinite Forbidden (Secret Rare)
Crimson Dragon DUNE-EN038 Duelist Nexus (Secret Rare)
Swordsoul of Mo Ye BODE-EN003 Burst of Destiny (Secret Rare)
Elemental HERO Dark Neos POTD-EN033 Power of the Duelist (Ultra Rare)
Elemental HERO Liquid Soldier LED6-EN013 Legendary Duelists: Magical Hero (Ultra Rare)
Thunder Dragon Colossus SOFU-EN037 Soul Fusion (Secret Rare)
Blast Sphere JUMP-EN019 Limited Edition 1 (Ultra Rare)
Dimensional Barrier INOV-EN078 Invasion: Vengeance (Secret Rare)
The Bystial Lubellion DABL-EN009 Darkwing Blast (Secret Rare)
Shooting Star Dragon STBL-EN040 Starstrike Blast (Ultra Rare)
Fiendsmith Engraver INFO-EN017 The Infinite Forbidden (Secret Rare)
Raidraptor - Arsenal Falcon ROTD-EN094 Rise of the Duelist (Super Rare)
Return of the Dragon Lords SR02-EN025 Rise of the True Dragons Structure Deck (Super Rare)
Super Starslayer TY-PHON - Sky Crisis AGOV-EN042 Age of Overlord (Ultra Rare)
Grandmaster of the Six Samurai STON-EN000 Strike of Neos (Secret Rare)
Pot of Greed DB1-EN134 Dark Beginning 1 (Super Rare)
Elemental HERO Gaia ANPR-EN099 Ancient Prophecy (Secret Rare)
Snatch Steal SRL-EN036 Spell Ruler (Ultra Rare)
Ghost Sister & Spooky Dogwood DANE-EN025 Dark Neostorm (Secret Rare)
Cyber End Dragon CRV-EN036 Cybernetic Revolution (Ultra Rare)
Linguriboh IGAS-EN097 Ignition Assault (Ultra Rare)
The Hidden City TDIL-EN085 The Dark Illusion (Secret Rare)
Dark Magician DUSA-EN100 Duelist Saga (Ultra Rare)
Orcustrated Return SOFU-EN058 Soul Fusion (Secret Rare)
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Eagle FIGA-EN016 Fists of the Gadgets (Secret Rare)
Darklord Zerato PTDN-EN081 Phantom Darkness (Secret Rare)
Stardust Dragon TDGS-EN040 The Duelist Genesis (Ultra Rare)
Sword of Dark Rites FOTB-EN067 Force of the Breaker (Secret Rare)
Ghostrick Alucard SHSP-EN052 Shadow Specters (Ultra Rare)
Gladiator Beast Octavius GLAS-EN000 Gladiator's Assault (Secret Rare)
The Tyrant Neptune JUMP-EN041 Shonen Jump May 2010 subscription bonus (Ultra Rare)
Inferno Fire Blast DR3-EN042 Dark Revelation Volume 3 (Ultra Rare)
Infinite Impermanence SDCS-EN036 Structure Deck: Cyber Strike (Super Rare)
Dark Corridor DUNE-EN059 Duelist Nexus (Secret Rare)
Vennominaga the Deity of Poisonous Snakes TAEV-EN013 Tactical Evolution (Secret Rare)
Treeborn Frog DR04-EN145 Dark Revelation Volume 4 (Ultra Rare)
Frost and Flame Dragon TAEV-EN033 Tactical Evolution (Secret Rare)
Triple Tactics Talent MP21-EN143 2021 Tin of Ancient Battles (Ultra Rare)
Number 39: Utopia BLAR-EN000 Battles of Legend: Armageddon (Starlight Rare)
Frightfur Kraken FUEN-EN020 Fusion Enforcers (Secret Rare)
Magician of Faith SBAD-EN001 Speed Duel: Attack from the Deep (Ultra Rare)
Gem-Knight Lady Brilliant Diamond CORE-EN047 Clash of Rebellions (Ultra Rare)