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Browse Sets -- 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
-- Speed Duel GX: Duel Academy Box --
A Hero Emerges
Advanced Dark
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins
Ancient Fusion
Ancient Gear
Ancient Gear Beast
Ancient Gear Castle
Ancient Gear Engineer
Ancient Gear Gadget
Ancient Gear Golem
Secret Rare
Ancient Gear Knight
Ancient Gear Soldier
Apprentice Magician
Armed Dragon LV3
Armed Dragon LV5
Armed Dragon LV7
Armed and Ready!
Berserk Scales
Big Koala
Black Brachios
Blade Skater
Blaze Accelerator
Blaze Accelerator Deployment (Skill Card)
Blazing Inpachi
Book of Moon
Card Advance
Charcoal Inpachi
Chimeratech Overdragon
Chiron the Mage
Consumed By Darkness
Cosmic Cyclone
Covering Fire
Crystal Beacon
Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
Crystal Blessing
Crystal Conclave
Crystal Promise
Crystal Raigeki
Crystal Release
Crystal Seer
Crystal Transcendence
Crystal Tree
Cyber Angel Benten
Cyber Angel Idaten
Cyber Angel Izana
Cyber Blade Fusion
Cyber Blader
Cyber Dragon
Cyber End Dragon
Cyber Gymnast
Cyber Network
Cyber Phoenix
Cyber Prima
Cyber Shadow Gardna
Cyber Tutu
Cyber Valley
Cyberdark Claw
Cyberdark Dragon
Cyberdark Edge
Cyberdark Horn
Cyberdark Impact!
Cyberdark Keel
Cyberdark Style (Skill Card)
D - Chain
D - Counter
D - Spirit
D.D. Warrior Lady
Damage Condenser
Dark City
Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
Des Kangaroo
Destiny End Dragoon
Destiny HERO - Blade Master
Destiny HERO - Dangerous
Destiny HERO - Dark Angel
Destiny HERO - Dasher
Destiny HERO - Diamond Dude
Destiny HERO - Dogma
Destiny HERO - Doom Lord
Destiny HERO - Fear Monger
Destiny HERO - Malicious
Destiny HERO - Plasma
Destiny Signal
Different Dimension Capsule
Doble Passe
Don Zaloog
Double Cyclone
Elemental HERO Avian
Elemental HERO Bladedge
Elemental HERO Bubbleman
Elemental HERO Burstinatrix
Elemental HERO Clayman
Elemental HERO Darkbright
Elemental HERO Flame Wingman
Elemental HERO Necroshade
Elemental HERO Plasma Vice
Elemental HERO Rampart Blaster
Elemental HERO Sparkman
Elemental HERO Steam Healer
Elemental HERO Thunder Giant
Elemental HERO Wildheart
Energizing Elements
Etoile Cyber
Exploder Dragon
Floodgate Trap Hole
Forbidden Cyber Style Technique
Fusion Recovery
Fusion Sage
Fusion Sword Murasame Blade
Fusion Weapon
Future Fusion
Giant Rat
Goddess with the Third Eye
Hallowed Life Barrier
Here Goes Something!
Hero Signal
Hourglass of Life
Hunter Dragon
I've Got Dino DNA!
Jar of Avarice
Land of the Ojamas (Skill Card)
Looking into the Future
Machine Angel Ascension
Machine Angel Ritual
Master of Oz
Memory Loss
Middle Age Mechs (Skill Card)
Mokey Mokey
Mokey Mokey Smackdown
Negate Attack
Night Beam
Ojama Black
Ojama Blue
Ojama Country
Ojama Delta Hurricane!!
Ojama Green
Ojama King
Ojama Knight
Ojama Red
Ojama Yellow
Over Destiny
Overload Fusion
Powerful Group of Guys
Proto-Cyber Dragon
R - Righteous Justice
Raging Flame Sprite
Rainbow Crystal Collection
Rainbow Dark Dragon
Rainbow Dragon
Rainbow Gravity
Rainbow Life
Rainbow Overdragon
Rare Value
Reinforcement of the Army
Rising Energy
Ritual Weapon
Room for Growth
Royal Firestorm Guards
Senju of the Thousand Hands
Sonic Bird
Sphere Kuriboh
Spikeshield with Chain
Spirit of Flames
Statue of the Wicked
Straight Flush
Super Rush Recklessly
The Grave of Enkindling
The Right Hero for the Job
The Trojan Horse
The Warrior Returning Alive
Toon Ancient Gear Golem
Trap Jammer
Tri-Blaze Accelerator
UFO Turtle
Ultimate Ancient Gear Golem
V-Tiger Jet
VW-Tiger Catapult
VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
Volcanic Blaster
Volcanic Cannon
Volcanic Doomfire
Volcanic Hammerer
Volcanic Rocket
Volcanic Shell
W-Wing Catapult
Wall of Disruption
Warrior Lady of the Wasteland
Wild Fire
Winged Kuriboh